CEO Test
December 31, 2018
CEO Test is a nonlinear, story-driven game about corporate control. The Glazial Group is looking for a new CEO. We are currently developing the CEO Test to preselect potential candidates. This CEO Test will be released as a game, combining nonlinear storytelling with strategy-building elements to test potential applicants' abilities to deal with economic complexity and emotional challenges. Apply for the position of CEO by playing the game once it is released. Potential CEO candidates evaluated
CEO Test is a nonlinear, story-driven game about corporate control. The Glazial Group is looking for a new CEO. We are currently developing the CEO Test to preselect potential candidates. This CEO Test will be released as a game, combining nonlinear storytelling with strategy-building elements to test potential applicants' abilities to deal with economic complexity and emotional challenges. Apply for the position of CEO by playing the game once it is released. Potential CEO candidates evaluated by new software. As demanded by several shareholders and members of the board, the new CEO will be preselected by a new "CEO testing software" (CEO Test), currently in development by our IT staff led by Mr Roth, CTO of the Glazial Group and board member. Organizational change is crucial to the future of the firm, especially concerning the role of leading management. The previous CEO possessed almost omnipotent powers, much to the disadvantage of the firm. The CEO TEST will evaluate potential candidates by their ability to deal with complexity, how they define their role of CEO and how they envision the future for the Glazial conglomerate.
Adventure Quiz/Trivia Role-playing (RPG) Simulator StrategyThemes:
Drama BusinessGame Modes:
Linux Mac PC (Microsoft Windows)Available on Subscription Services:
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