Touch Me
June 11, 1974
Touch me challenges the player to remember the sequence of sight and sound, and correctly repeat the pattern. The drop of the quarter in the top-mounted acceptor activates the computer to present a single-tone sound. When the sound occurs, the corresponding button lights to give a visual clue. Then the game pauses long enough for the player to "confirm" the sound to the computer by pressing the same button that lit. Oops! Wrong button? ERROR number one… and a lighted window tells the player he's
Touch me challenges the player to remember the sequence of sight and sound, and correctly repeat the pattern. The drop of the quarter in the top-mounted acceptor activates the computer to present a single-tone sound. When the sound occurs, the corresponding button lights to give a visual clue. Then the game pauses long enough for the player to "confirm" the sound to the computer by pressing the same button that lit. Oops! Wrong button? ERROR number one… and a lighted window tells the player he's goofed. Then another chance… the sound and lighted button are repeated by the computer. Another pause … right! You've hit the right button(s) in the right sequence, and the game goes on to another sound sequence. Every correct player response adds an additional sound/note to the sequence. "Beep – beep – bloop – beep – bloop" … Did you correctly repeat those sounds when the buttons lit? Sorry, only three errors per game. You'll have to insert another 25¢ and try again!
How Long To Beat