Videocart-11: Backgammon, Acey-Deucey
July 01, 1977
The original game of backgammon for the first 2nd-generation console of 1977. Players take turn rolling dice and then moving their pieces around the game board. Blue & Red each have to move all their pieces off the board to win, and are competing against each other and against lady luck herself. Acey-Deucey is another way to play Backgammon where the starting position is different. Instead of starting the game with numerous pieces arranged at places around the board, you start with all your
The original game of backgammon for the first 2nd-generation console of 1977. Players take turn rolling dice and then moving their pieces around the game board. Blue & Red each have to move all their pieces off the board to win, and are competing against each other and against lady luck herself. Acey-Deucey is another way to play Backgammon where the starting position is different. Instead of starting the game with numerous pieces arranged at places around the board, you start with all your pieces at the starting line. It makes for a longer game, although just as strategic and challenging. This preprogrammed cartridge plugs into the console of the Fairchild Video Entertainment System for more TV fun. This time, play the world's newest and most modern game of backgammon. The pieces are on the tube, rather than a board. Like the regular game, but better... You've got nothing to lose!